Insert Smileys, Emoticons to Your Blogs, Social Communities & Forums


Action speaks faster than Words. We all know that. Action is a very significant form of communication. And when it comes to communicate online through Blogs, Social Communities and Forums, Smileys and Emoticons are must and very helpful means of sharing your views. But how to insert them into your post?

Well, many addicted bloggers and regular communities or forum visitors must have found out how to do that, but believe me, it takes lot of your time to search for an appropriate smiley and than upload it on a free file hosting site and then, posting a link on your post. What if you just had your browser giving you all the list of smileys and you just click on it and you get the HTML Code to post in your forum.

Now you can do that if you are a Firefox user, using Smiley Xtra Add-On. No matter which platform you are using, whether it is Blogger blog or Wordpress blog, you can easily add emoticons to your blog posts using this Add-On. This Add-On will be very useful and more beneficial to the Blogger blog users since blogger users find very difficulty to add such emotions to their blog posts unlike Wordpress.

I strongly recommend you use version 4 of this Smiley Xtra, since version 5 contains more broken links.Clever

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Get a Windows Beta 7 Product Key


I just tried and successfully got a key. If you've already installed Windows 7 Beta, then you have to navigate to Control Panel > All Control Panels > System and scroll down to the Windows Activation section which should say "You have 29 days left to activate. Click here to activate now." Click that link and you will be prompted for the code.

How to get a code:

All you have to do is to login to your Windows Live account from the TechNet Downloads page, and then from the same window, paste in the following URL for

The 64-bit key:

and this URL for the 32-bit key:

If you receive an error, just press CTRL+ F5 (non-cache reload) to refresh. It took me around 12 attempts/refresh before I received the key. So don't lose hope if it doesn't work the first time. Hello, no expiration until August 2009! Supposedly activation will be limited to the first 2.5 million copies of Windows Beta 7, so you might want to go ahead and download your copy now and get the code. Good luck!

If you're being redirected then you didn't follow the steps 1 and 2 correctly. Comment if it works or not for you!!!

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Foods That Improve Your Brain Function


The brain uses carbohydrates for energy. Omega-3 fatty acids for the formation of cell structure. Vitamin B is essential for brain functioning. Folic acid to brain development. Along with folic acid, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12 makes and releases chemicals known as Neurotransmitters (Transfers Information, Orders etc.). Nervous system relies on these Neurotransmitters to communicate within the brain, i.e. Mood, Hunger and Sleep.

I cannot cover an article on Brain in couple of paragraphs. Howerver I'm trying to be short and precise with the motive to cover All Foods that improve our Brain Function. Above given are brain's basic functions and things that support or handle those functions. As we all know, food control our body, and so our mind, and so our thought process. Lets see which brain food help you think sound!!!

Nuts: Nuts contain protein, high amounts of fiber, and they are rich in beneficial fats. They also contain plenty of vitamin B, E, and magnesium which are essential to cognitive function, meaning you can think clearly and positively.

Seeds: Seeds contain a lot of protein, beneficial fat, and vitamin E, as well as stress-fighting antioxidants and important brain-boosting minerals like magnesium. You can take any seeds like sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds etc.

Eggs: are a precious source of high-quality proteins and rich in vitamins and minerals. Helps boos the memory center in the brain, increases the size of neurons. he selenium in organic eggs is proven to help your mood.

Coffee: Coffee is good for your brain. You can safely enjoy 2 cups daily. Coffee is rich in antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Recent findings show it to be one of the best brain foods, reducing the risks of mental decline including diseases like dementia and Alzheimer's.

Green tea: Green tea enhances memory and focus and fights mental fatigue. It contains catechines, which help you relax mentally and maintain your focus as well. Green tea also helps maintain positive mood states and fights against many brain disorders.

Chocolate: Dark chocolate has brain boosting compounds. It’s rich in antioxidants and contains several natural stimulants, that enhances focus and concentration. It also releases dopamine, to enhance cognition and mood.

Garlic: Garlic is one of the most potent nutritious foods. It is fabulous for reducing bad cholesterol and strengthening your cardiovascular system, and it exerts a protective antioxidant effect on the brain. It can potentially help against stroke, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Brown rice: are essential for maintaining concentration throughout the day and improving memory. That's because they contain the perfect mix of carbohydrates and fiber to fuel your brain while keeping you full.

Green leafy vegetables: Tomatoes are fantastic brain foods as they contain high content of lycopene. Lycopene is particularly good for brain - helps protect against free-radical damage to cells, which prevents brain from ageing.

Broccoli: High levels of chemicals called homocysteines are linked with cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease. In order to break themselves down, homocysteines require folate and B12 or B6, vitamins found in vegetables like broccoli.

Avocado: contains mono-unsaturated fats, which contribute to healthy blood flow, the main requirement for a healthy brain. To start, add 1/4 to 1/2 of an avocado to one meal daily as a side dish.

Berries: contains antioxidants that help boost cognition, coordination, and memory. Blueberries are possibly the best brain food on earth as they boost the potency of neuron signals. They are also known as the "brain berry". They are also known to protect the brain from oxidative stress and may reduce the effects of age-related conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Pomegranate: It carries a lot of vitamin C, A and E as well as fiber, iron and potassium and anti-inflammatory attributes help in strengthening the immune system.

Wholegrain foods: Vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid are essential in protecting your memory. Wholegrain foods, such as whole grain breads and wheat germ are part of the best brain foods. Whole grain breads, cereals, barley, popcorn boost blood flow to the brain.

Olive oil: A diet rich in healthy fats is essential to clear thinking, good memory, and a balanced mood. Olive oil is rich in antioxidants for healthy brain function.

Corn syrup and sugar: They lead to health problems like diabetes and obesity, and are terrible for your brain. Don’t eat sugar except on special occasions or as an infrequent treat. Sugary fruit drinks, colas, and juices are among the worst offenders.

Nicotine: It constricts blood flow to the brain, so while it may soothe jittery nerves, smoking can actually reduce your brain function severely and the effects are cumulative.

Alcohol: Alcohol interferes with dopamine production. Moderate amounts of alcohol, particularly resveratrol-rich red wine, can help improve your health, but any alcoholic drink beyond a glass or two of wine daily is a recipe for reduced brain function and energy loss.

If you have more time and wish to know in depth about each food, what the contain and how they help, visit Steady Health.

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Google Puts a New Favicon Again


A Favicon is a small icon that shows up on your URL bar or your bookmarks list when you access a website. Google had changed it's Favicon last time in June 2008, and now in this year Google has again come up with a new Favicon. Google annoced it's users to submit their designs on favicon in June 2008. Regardless to say, plenty of favicons submitted since then and today Google introduced a new Favicon submitted by one of their users. The Favicon is selected on the basis of design elements and few other factors.

Here is a Google's new favicon
"André Resende, a computer science undergraduate student at the University of Campinas in Brazil, submitted the design that inspired our new favicon. His placement of a white 'g' on a color-blocked background was highly recognizable and attractive, while seeming to capture the essence of Google.", Google's Official Blog.

André Resende submitted this favicon
Officials say, "Although we changed the color layout slightly and moved the 'g' off center, his submission formed the basis for our new design."

Few other designs that caught Google's attention, incorporating all four of Google's colors (Red, Yellow, Green and Blue) into the four corners of the favicon are posted below. Source

Hadi Onur Demirsoy
Lucian E. Marin
Yusuf Sevgen

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SQLite Manager - Great Firefox Add-on, Manages all Your SQLite Databases


You can Manage any SQLite database on your computer. Helpful dialogs to manage tables, indexes, views and triggers. You can browse and search the tables, as well as add, edit and delete the records. Facility to execute any sql query. A dropdown menu helps with the sql syntax thus making writing sql easier. Easy access to common operations through menu, toolbars, buttons and context-menu. Export tables/views in csv or xml format.

This lightweight extension for isn't only compatible with Firefox but, Thunderbird, Sunbird, Seamonkey, Songbird, Komodo, Flock as well. (See the complete list of supported applications) This extension will be very useful to developers who want to create and play with sqlite databases. SQLite Manager is available as a XULRunner Application too. The file with XR in its name is the zip of the XULRunner application.

Some Key Features are listed below:
  • Dialogs for creation, deletion of tables, indexes, views and triggers
  • Ability to rename, copy, reindex tables
  • Ability to add and drop columns
  • Create new db, open any existing db, copy an existing db
  • Supports writing your own queries (single or multiple)
  • Supports saving the queries with a name
  • A tab for database settings (no need to write the pragma statements) where you can view and Change the sqlite library settings
  • Export tables/views as csv, sql or xml files
  • Import tables from csv, sql or xml files
  • A dropdown menu showing all profile db (.sqlite)
  • An intuitive heirarchical tree showing all tables, indexes, views and triggers
  • Ability to see the master tables
  • Ability to see the temporary tables, indexes, views and triggers
  • Ability to browse data from any table/view
  • Dialogs to allow searching in a table/view
  • Allows editing and deleting selected record while browsing a table's data
  • Allows adding, saving and changing blob data
  • An extensive menu that helps with writing sql by hand and then executing it
  • Remembers the last used db, table and the tab (structure, browse & search, etc.) across sessions
SQLite is a small C library that implements a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine. An SQLite database is a single ordinary disk file that can be located anywhere in the directory hierarchy. Source

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Phishing eMail Leads to a Fake CNN Site That Installs Trojan


Another phishing email is circulating these days which appears as if it came from CNN, but it takes you to the Fake CNN Website that shows up a Video related to current Israel-Hamas conflict. When you click on it to play the video it promts you to download the lates version of Adobe Flash Player, which actually is a Trojan. Trojan is used to steal fifancial or other sensitive information.

Sam Curry, vice president of product management and strategy at RSA says, "The Trojan looks for encrypted communications between the computer and known financial institutions and when it sees data being sent it diverts it to a malicious third-party." Source

Different types of Trojans can be programmed for specific tasks. This Trojan is "SSL Stealer". This Trojan is not new one or a newly advanced piece of program. But What is new is the socially engineered application of this Trojan that exploits users concerned about the recent events in Gaza, says RSA Research Lab.

RSA discovered the attack early on Wednesday and has worked with others to get the fake site shut down. At a peak on Thursday as many as 80,000 of the phishing e-mails were being sent out, according to Curry.

You can visit the same Web Page below. Source

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2009 Action Plan, Latest Book by Suze Orman - Free on Oprah


On the Free Give Away offer by Oprah Winfrey, you can download a latest book by Suze Orman - 2009 Action Plan until Thursday, January 15. The book is also available in Spanish. This book is available at around $10.00 in the market. But here is your chance to get it free. Grab it before the offer expires.

If you do not know who Suze Orman is: She is the host of The Suze Orman Show on CNBC. She has written six consecutive New York Times Best Sellers; has written, co-produced, and hosted six PBS specials based on her books; and is the most successful fundraiser in the history of public television.
Talking about the book, this book will help you navigate the new financial obstacles you may be facing in 2009. As reviewed by the readers, "The book has situations and actions--for example, Situation: your daughter is getting married and you thought you'd have a huge wedding for her. Action: how to realistically plan a wedding that doesn't sink you immediately and in the future.

Read More Reviews & Details About the Book 2009 Action Plan at Amazon.

Get Your Free Copy of The Book at Oprah
English - Spanish

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Largest List of SEO Tools on the Internet


I was surfing through the Google Knol and came across with this great Knol. This Knol has been written by Moose. The largest list of SEO tools on the web! - Contains more than 150 tools already. This is a open-collaboration knol that allows anyone to contribute to it's list. Their goal is to create a master SEO list that anyone can bookmark.

Click Here if you wish to contribute any tools that you know can fit in it. Below is the full list Moose has provided in Google Knol.

SEO Backlink Tools

Backlink Watch
Domain Backlink Checker
Bad Neighborhood Tool
Broken Link Checker
Backlink Builder
Link Extractor
A list of more backlink tools.
Another list of more backlink tools.
Backlink Checking Tips
Majestic SEO Backlink Tool

SEO Keyword Tools

Google Sets
WordTracker Labs
Adwords Keyword Tool
Adwords Traffic Estimator
Microsoft Search Funnel
Entity Association Graph
Keyword Group Detection
Keyword Map
SEO Digger
Keyword Discovery
Keyword Density
Keyword Playground
Keyword Density Tool
SEO Book Keyword Suggestion
Keyword Density Check
Traffic Marks
SEO Keyword Ranking
Samreen's Keyword Density Checker
SEOmoz Term Extractor
Term Target

SEO Analytic Tools
Google Webmaster Tools
Google Analytics
SEM Rush

SEO Engine Tools

SEO Browser
Spam Detector
Spider Simulator
Website Speed Test
Spider Simulator
Build Reciprocal Links
Spider Test

SEO Site Grader Tools

SEOmoz Trifecta Tool
Webmaster Grade
Website Analyzer
SEO Scorecard


Shoemoney SERP Tool
Thumbshot Ranking
DigitalPoint SERP Tool
Google Dance
SearchBliss Google Dance
Samreen SERP Tool

SEO Firefox Tools

Search Status
SEO Quake
Rank Quest
SEO Tools
SEObook for Firefox
Using Stylish to Show NoFollow
View Source Chart
JSview 2.0.5
HTML Validator

SEO Bookmarklets

Page Headers - shows all headers for a current page (by;
Validate HTML - instantly access current page HTML validator;
HTTP Headers - header checker for the current page;
Edit Page - lets you edit the current page;
Word Frequency - highlight a word and see how many times it was mentioned on a page;
Wayback newest - shows you the latest copy saved by;
Page Freshness - find out last modified date
Make a link for this page - instantly generate a link for the current page;
Highlight headings - shows you on-page H1-H6 headings;
Highlight NoFollow - highlight links with “nofollow” attribute;
Show Meta - view page meta tags.

WordPress SEO Plugins

SEO Smart Links

Other SEO Tools

Page Rank Checker
Social Meter
Copy Scape
Duplicate Content Checker
Domain Stats Tool
Meta Tag Generator
HTML Encrypt Tool
Similar Page Checker
Robots.txt File Generator
Robots.txt Analyzer
Cloak Checker
Metatag Extractor
Yahoo! Site Explorer
Class C Checker
Google Trends
Niche Watch
List of SEO Friendly Directories
Mod-Rewrite Generator
Hosting History
Page Size Lookup
Banned Domain Checker
Wikipedia Article Traffic
Domain Hacks Tool
DoFollow Blogs Search Engine
Vendor Discovery Tool 2.0
Lynx Viewer
Hosted IP Search
5-Second Test
Travis Traffic Domain & SEO Tools

Add Your SEO Tool Today

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Search WikiPedia Articles Along With Google Search - GooglePedia


If you are an information gathering geek, and if you search specifically for WikiPedia's never ending knowledge articles, GooglePedia Extension for Firefox is the best option for you. This free add-on brings you Wikipedia articles most closely matching to your search terms in the splitted screen along with the usual Google Search Results, side by side. It gives you the comfort of expanding, shrinking the splitted screen. You can even hide the article screen if you only want to search Google.

In addition to that, clicking links in the Wikipedia articles trigger new Google searches, making it a very useful research tool. It works smoothly with Firefox 1.5-3.0. Below is a screen shot that will give you broader idea on how it looks.

Some of the Keyfeatures are listed below:
  • Turns internal Wikipedia links into Google search links
  • Uses Google's I'm Feeling Lucky(tm) feature to find relevant articles
  • Links images directly to their full-sized versions
  • Removes Google AdWords
  • Can be expanded to take the full width of the page
  • Uses your local language Wikipedia based on the Google language
  • Hide button to disable Googlepedia
  • NEW Firefox 3 support
  • NEW Interface translated into 7 languages - Chinese, German, Japanese, Polish, Czech, Dutch and Portuguese.

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Toshiba's 500GB External Hard Drive - USB Port Connectivity


Toshiba's 500GB External Hard Drive is out now. You can connect it to The USB 2.0, 2.5-incher. It is very small in size. You can bunch in your life's data into this hard drive and just move on. It comes with a totally sweet array of colors (Black/White), and comes pre-loaded with NTI Shadow backup software. It's a simple solution for Backup or increasing Computer Storage.

To help protect your drive, it's provided with Internal Shock Sensor and Ramp Loading Technology and also Fingerprint and Scratch-resistant housing. Toshiba's hassle free, simple and easy solution to all your backup needs - 500GB USB 2.0 Portable External Hard Drive costs you around $140 or Rs. 6800/-.

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Now Attend Web Meetings When You're Out on Your iPhone


With the advancements in Technology, Web Meetings are becoming quite popular and increasing in number everyday. It gives everyone a comfort of discussing matters with everyone without leaving a current place, in other words, without actually meeting anyone physically. Of course you had to have a computer or a notebook with internet connection in it so that you could connect to a Web Meeting. But not any more...

Now with Cisco WebEx Meeting Center, you can go out anytime and still attend your Web Meeting. The WebEx iPhone App is free and offers pretty much all the same features you would expect from the web-based version. Meeting attendees can simply access the WebEx via an iPhone join link in the meeting invitation. This helps you putting an impression on your clients or boss that you give them the first priority.

Once you’re in, you can view content, which includes documents, applications, and screen shares with annotations, from any computer. You can also see who has joined the meeting, participate in individual or group chat, and adjust audio. Jennifer Van Grove, from MashAble says, "I’m so impressed with the application’s offerings that I really want to be invited to a WebEx meeting just so I can see it in full force. Got anything good I can join?"

She also puts a note that, "The app, however, doesn’t support scheduling meetings from the iPhone, so you while to tear yourself away from your bed and bust out your laptop for that activity."

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Access MySpace Social Network on Virgin Mobiles


Since the launch of Virgin Mobile services, it's core target was and has been Youth. It took one step further in attracting youth towards using their Mobile Services. It's a very popular Social Networking Service, MySpace. Virgin Mobile announced that it has linked up with MySpace for offering social networking services. Mobile users will be able to use MySpace features on WAP-Enabled phones starting at Rs. 2,999/-.

You can access MySpace through vBytes, a special feature provided by Virgin Mobiles, which is also used to download Wallpapers, Ringtones, Animations and Games etc. You simply have to click on MySpace link on vBytes and login through your MySpace user ID and password. You will be charged Rs. 5/- daily for accessing vBytes.

Talking about MySpace, it is a widely used premier lifestyle portal connecting worldwide community by integrating web profiles, instant messaging, blogs etc. You can now actively meet/add friends, share photos, journals and interests on MySpace through Virgin Mobile.

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Downloading Songs On To iPhone Over EDGE is Possible


Many a times it happens at the press release, product launch or at some expo that the company or product representative forgets/neglects to announce it's key feature. Same happened with Phil Schiller, at his Tuesday morning Macworld Expo Keynote Address. He said, "Apple had added support for purchasing and downloading music and podcasts on the iPhone using a 3G data connection. But Schiller didn't mention that you can download the same using pretty slower EDGE data connection as well.

John Gruber who is running Daring Fireball pointed it out just after the keynote. He also has mentioned in his site, "As of two minutes ago, it appears you can now buy music from iTunes from your iPhone over EDGE and 3G, not just Wi-Fi." He further states that he was expecting Schiller to announce it later on in the keynote, but Schiller specifically said, music was now downloadable over "3G Networks". But well, John Gruber is right - It works over EDGE too.

Jonathan Seff from Macworld reports that, he turned off Wi-Fi and 3G on his iPhone, then proceeded to search for and download a free iTunes track using his EDGE connection, and it worked. But he also reports that, there are two downsides to downloading over EDGE.
  • It takes around 15 minutes and 12 seconds to download a 9.3MB track, which is a lot longer than it would have taken over 3G or Wi-Fi.
  • The iPhone has same size restriction for iTunes downloads that it has for App Store downloads. i.e. You can't download anything larger than 10MB over 3G or EDGE.

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BlackBerry Pearl Smartphone Launched by Vodafone in Mumbai


Vodafone and Research In Motion (RIM) today launched BlackBerry Pearl Flip smartphone in India priced at Rs. 21,999/-

The BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8220 smartphone allows easy typing and dialing, a press release issued here said.

The smartphone's external display offers previewing calendar reminders, email, text message and phone calls at a glance.

It has a 2 megapixel camera with digital zoom, flash and video recording, stereo Bluetooth and an easily accessible expandable memory card slot for up to 16GB of additional storage per card.

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Skype With Screen Sharing & WiFi Spot Connector for Mac


All new Skype 2.8 with features like Screen Sharing and an Integrated Wi-Fi Spot Connector, is ready to be launched for Apple's Mac on Tuesday. This version of Skype is available only for Mac OS X users. The screen sharing feature is available to app's voice, video and chat conversation features. And a user will be able to run all four channels at once with acceptable performance. A user can share photographs as well as video through screen sharing feature.

Another feature that Skype is coming up with is, Wi-Fi Spot Connector. This will allow users to access WiFi hotspots on the Boingo network only for 19 cents a minute. This amount will be deducted from users' Skype accounts. Around 85,000 hot spots are available worldwide, Boingo officials report. The Wi-Fi provider at most of the U.S. airports, TMoblie is on the Boingo network. The Wi-Fi access feature makes Skype a more useful product for people who use the VoIP app from their Mac laptops.

Rafe Needleman from CNet talks more about it's features and use in USA. He says, "Disruptive Telephony covered other new features in Skype 2.8, including a new way to update your Skype 'mood' and to follow users in a Twitter-like fashion, bigger Avatar images, and a new way to manage and prioritize chat windows.

Also, regarding Boingo: That company announced a new Apple product: A connector app for the iPhone and iPod Touch. For $7.95 a month, users of those devices can access the entire Boingo Wi-Fi network. For U.S.-based iPhone users on the AT&T network, this is not such a great product since AT&T-provided Wi-Fi is now free for them, but international users and travelers, and iPod Touch users (perhaps those who use TruPhone for VOIP calls) may find it a good deal."

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Turn Your Digital Photos into Beautiful Pencil Sketches in Seconds


FotoSketcher is a FreeWare which can help you convert your digital photos into art, automatically. If you want to turn a portrait, the photograph of your house or a beautiful landscape into a painting, a sketch or a drawing then look no further, FotoSketcher will do the job in just a few seconds.

Thanks to FotoSketcher you can create stunning images to make original gifts for your friends or relatives. Create birthday cards, season's greetings stationary or simply print your work of art and hang it on the wall.
Different styles are available: pencil sketch, pen and ink drawing, various painting renderings. You can also improve your original photo with simple tools (enhance contrast, sharpen, simplify image, increase luminosity, color saturation etc. FotoSketcher is completely free and does not contain any adware, spyware or virus.

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Twitter Phishing Trail Follows To DigitalGangester


There have been as many as 33 celebrity Twitter accounts hacked this morning. Each accounts had posted different messages with different intentions. Lately, it turned out to be posted by different people with different goals. The intention behind posting messages on Fox News & Rick Sanchez from CNN were to simply destroy their reputation. While on many other profiles, messages led to some or the other affiliate links, with the intention to make some money.

Michael Arrington from TechCrunch writes on the Twitter hack trail to DigitalGangster. He writes, "It all seems to point back to one person that goes by “Gmz” on a hacker site called Digital Gangster (this site was also where Miley Cyrus photos were posted after they were taken from her hacked Gmail account). Gmz, says a source, obtained the account credentials for the Twitter accounts and then posted them on DigitalGanster. It was removed shortly afterward, but not before others grabbed the information and started to post on the various sites."

He also emailed Gmz from his new Digital Gangster account to confirm that he originally posted the credentials. Twitter, of course, could follow up with Digital Gangster via their attorneys or the police and get access to that information. And it should be very easy to track the people who posted affiliate links on hacked Twitter accounts - just contact the affiliate companies and follow the money.

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Now Barack Obama Hacked on Twitter - Phishing Scam


It is a world wide news that Hackers have targeted Twitter for phishing attacks. Free Apple iPhone Offers through Twitter were also in NEWS the whole day. I thought of not posting it on my blog since it had been widely spread out. But now it's Barack Obama who's the latest and new victim in Twitter Phishing Scam!!!

Today, Twitter’s top accounts are being hacked. Some are posting tweets meant to insult or ruin the reputation of the hacked individual. In the case of the largest account on Twitter, belonging to President Barack Obama, the hackers placed another affiliate link.

Here is a screenshot of the affiliate offer that was linked in the tweet:
Obama’s people were all over this and the tweet was actually removed within minutes of people posted. Other top celebrities were also hacked today. Here are some of the screenshots taken of the hacker’s tweets:
I specially thank Brent Csutoras, for providing us with a prompt and a timely information regarding these phishing attacks.

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India Opens Call Center to Help Control Population Growth


The phone rang at a call center in New Delhi one recent afternoon. When an agent picked up the receiver, a young woman whispered hesitantly. She said that she lived with her large extended family in a remote rural settlement and that nobody knew she was calling.

"I told her to be open and have no fear. She paused after every word," recalled Payalkumari, 27, the call center agent, who uses only her first name. "Then she slowly opened up. She was newly married. She said her mother-in-law wanted her to have a child right away, but she was not ready to. She asked, 'Is there some contraception that I can use secretly and nobody else will get to know in the family?'

"Payalkumari has taken hundreds of such calls since June, when India's government-sponsored National Population Stabilization Fund opened a call center to provide reliable information about such socially taboo subjects as family planning, contraception and reproductive health -- the first service of its kind in the country.

"In our culture, we cannot have open conversations about sensitive subjects like sex, contraception, abortion and pregnancy. People want answers, but who do they ask? Not parents, not teachers, not elders. They hesitate to go to the doctor. People are shy to even utter the word 'condom' at a pharmacy," said the science graduate, who acknowledged that her family is like that as well. "But they can call here anonymously and ask any question. I give them all the information that they need. These are the people I need to convince for controlling India's population growth."

Read Full Article at Washington Post

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Control Your Mouse Pointer Using KeyBoard


If one fine day your mouse stops working and to add insult to the injury the application you want to use does not support keyboard navigation, in such a situation you are left with no choice but to make use of Microsoft Windows built-in MouseKeys utility to control mouse pointer using your keyboard and get important work done. It also helps Programmers or Coders who mostly work on keyboard and approach to Mouse only when it is necessary. With this you can keep your hands on the keyboard to perform both the tasks.

To launch MouseKeys :
  • Goto Start Menu -> Settings -> Control Panel.
  • From Control Panel, Start “Accessibility Options“.
  • Goto Mouse Tab.Check the “Use Mouse Keys” as shown below.
After activating MouseKeys, make sure that the NumLock is on and use the numeric keypad to to control the mouse pointer, use the "5" key to perform left click.

Alternatively, if you are looking for greater control try MouseMan - A free utility to control the mouse pointer with configurable keys on the keyboard, in comparison with MouseKeys MouseMan offers better configuration and smoother mouse movements, the only drawback is that the application is in Swedish but you can configure the application using the English tutorial here.

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Access Direct Internet on LG's New HDTVs - USA


People who love to watch Internet Videos on their television screens usually needed a separate device like a DVD Player, Video-Game Console or Set-Top Box with Internet Access. But now they can watch them directly on LG's new HDTVs. LG has announced a line of televisions that can directly receive Internet Video in addition to satellite and cable signals.

These line of LCD and Plasma Televisions will be called Broadband HDTVs and will cost $300 more than other same models without Internet access. It is to note that the owners of these HDTVs will not be able to browse the WEB freely. TV's processors and memory chips are not up to that task. But the Broadband HDTVs will have access to a variety of specific video sites. One site in specific which is going to be announced by LG is - Netflix.

These HDTVs will be able to broadcast any of the 12,000 films and television shows in Netflix's Watch Instantly library. Many of these films and shows are provided by Starz which is a premium cable television service.

It is obvious that more television makers like Samsung and Panasonic are surely to introduce similar devices. But televisions are not something like Softwares which we update/upgrade or change quite frequently. On an average a television set stays for a decade at one home. And people also have a short term solution to buy one Video-Game Console or a Blu-Ray Disc Player with Internet capabilities.

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Web Prosperity - Biggest Launch of 2009 for Internet Business Owners


Web Prosperity is a brand new company that is just launching at the beginning of 2009. The founder, David D'arcangelo, is an experienced and highly successful enterpreneur. He is the author of several books, including Wealth Starts At Home. His goal in starting Web Prosperity is to provide ordinary people a way to learn to succeed with their own home based business.

Web Prosperity has a very unique goal. It offers a wide array of useful products to help educate people and give them the tools to succeed in their online businesses. Some of the tools that will be included are AutoResponders, Audio Creation Software and Webinar Functions. They will help people (people who don't have a large advertising budget, list of subscribers or connections in the industry) make financial prosperity through internet marketing.

It is to be noted that Web Prosperity is not going to be simply another Matrix or MLM program, though it is emplemening these elements into its pay plan. You not only get to learn and have tools from Web Prosperity, but can earn as well. This is not a company comes up with a hyped-up pre-launch and gradually fade into the background. This is a company that has been planned for a long time by people who really know what they are doing.

It is completely Free to Join Web Prosperity. So it is entirely up to you to decide anytime whether you would like to get involved seriously. Note that, the launch of Web Prosperity is January 7, 2009. Positions are filling up fast. It is definitely a ground floor opportunity for people who want to start their own online business.

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