Navigate Through Your Photos in a Three Dimensional View


If you ever wanted to view photos stored in your computer in a Three Dimensional View, Twins Visions is a software that lets you do so. Twins Visions allows you to navigate through your photos in a 3D (three dimensional) view, with an innovative 3D image management system (3DIMS). This software is a FreeWare.

With this you can view all the different folders as a collection of boards spread on a single screen. Now you can move photos from one folder to the other, compare whole two folders, or simply view all the images in all folders at the same time.

As you can see in the image above, this software is design in such way that you can do all the tasks, such as View, Edit and Share at one single place. You do not any other software for performing these tasks. One thing I liked about this software is it's Editor. It is so effective that you can edit and fix effects in your old images, adjust it accordingly and apply changes with only few clicks. It also has advanced Meta (EXIF) editor, that allows you to modify tags recorded by your digital camera or create your own tags.

Click Here to download this amazing and free software and start photo sharing with others. You can also use your own existing Flickr™ account to edit photo details, upload new photos or download photos directly to your computer. Note that, you will be required to install Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 to use this application.

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Visit Full Websites even Without Internet Connection


There are many websites that have complicated, non-printable webpages. You cannot even save some of the webpages on certain websites. There is one solution to such problems. WEbReaper - This software is a web crawler or a spider, which can work its way through a website, downloading pages, pictures and objects that it finds so that they can be viewed locally, without needing to be connected to the internet.

We get number of websites on any topic through search engines. On a certain topic I usually download 3 to 4 full websites with the help of WebReaper, then on my free time I explore all of them together, even if I don't have internet connection at that time. This way I can manage getting all the information on any topic I look for.

What WebReaper actually does is, it stores the sites locally as a fully-browsable websites which can be viewed with any browser, such as Internet Explorer, NetScape, Opera etc. Also the sites can be saved into the Internet Explorer Cache and viewed using IE's Offline Mode.

Some of the key-features WebReaper have are listed below: Source
  • Multithreaded downloading
  • Explorer-style interface
  • ShockWave Flash support - downloads/fixes up SWF movies for local browsing
  • User-customisable filters - limit by depth, time per object, total time and 'distance' from starting server, and many others.
  • Simple-to-use filter wizard - helps you build complex filters quickly and easily.
  • Full Drag & Drop support - drag links to/from Internet Explorer/Netscape.
  • Save downloaded files using relative paths to recreate websites stored locally with links adjusted to make them fully browsable.
  • 'Resume' mode reads files saved locally to avoid reloading unchanged pages
  • Proxy & website authentication, allowing websites with passwords or behind firewalls to be reaped.
  • 'URL Profiles' allow depth and filter configurations to be saved with associated URLs for easy re-reaping in future.
  • Command-Line execution to run as a batch process, using a task scheduler (not provided).
  • Works with GetRight® for large file downloads.
WebReaper is a FreeWare. You can Download WebReaper from Here.

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Port Scanners - Know Which Software Uses Which Port on Your Computer


Each software or even service running on your computer has been associated with certain port on your computer. A simple example is, port:80 which is fairly used by HTTP, i.e. the websites you access on internet starting from HTTP, use port:80 on your computer. Due to security reasons, it is very important to know and scan all ports on your computer. Most often Hackers attack through an Open Port on your computer.

Free Port Scanner is a small, fast, easy-to-use and robust port scanner for the Win32 platform. You can scan ports on fast machines in a few seconds and can perform scan on predefined port ranges. This tool uses TCP packets to determine available hosts and open ports, service associated with port and other important characteristics. The tool is designed with a user-friendly interface and is easy to use.

This software is completely free of cost. You can download this Free Port Scanner from Here. There also is a Pro version of this software that allows to audit and monitor remote network computers for possible vulnerabilities, checks your network for all potential methods that a hacker might use to attack it. You can find more about it here.

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9 Year Old Girl Becomes the Youngest Microsoft Certified Professional


I was talking to one of my friends about a girl who is a potential cause for making more graduates jobless [HUMOROUSLY THOUGH]. A 9 year old girl has become the youngest person to ever pass a Microsoft Certified Professional examination.

Let me tell you something about Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP). MCP person has the ability to use Microsoft products or technology as part of a business solution. Business companies always look for trained professionals to help them troubleshoot and maintain their Microsoft products. It is certainly not something that every 9 year old can achieve this, but if you or your child thinking of doing it it's well worth the time and effort you put in to receive your certification.

Talking about this girl, naturally, this isn't the first time she has been in the spotlight for her talents. Thanks to her extraordinary memory, she has been breaking records since she was three—an age when most of us were concerned with toys and pooping our pants.

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Test Your Hearing Capability - Ear Test - Freeware


You can check your hearing capability for all frequencies of the audible spectrum, separately for each ear. The software is designed to give a quick Ear Test. You can calculate up to which frequency you are able to hear a sound and compare it with your friends and family. Actually the upper frequency limit of the human ear is entirely dependent on a person's age. A child can hear frequencies of up to 20,000 Hz (Oscillations per second). For an old person, it can be as low as 5,000 Hz or even lower, while for a middle aged person (Around 40 Years) a frequency of 14,000 Hz is an average value. Some people can have gaps in their hearing spectrum, due to inner ear injuries - this can also be checked.

You can download this Freeware by Clicking Here. The Microsoft .Net Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package is required. Please note that this software cannot replace the actual Medical Test. Also be careful while taking a test through speakers or headphone.

This site resides in Germany it seems. I am having hard time in accessing this site from South Asia due to those Cable Cut problems. So I guess most Asians would have same problems. The work around is to use Proxy/Socks. I have given few of the Socks4 & Socks5 below, for those of you who have problem in accessing Europe's sites. Please do not use them for any inappropriate/criminal actions.

Socks 4:

Socks 5:

I'm also planning to write a topic on how to use Socks4 & Socks5 for the people not aware of how to use them.

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You can Fill Out a Scanned or PDF Form Directly on Computer


Due to security reasons lot of companies sent out PDF forms. You're required to take a printout of it, fill it up, again scan it and send them back through email. You have to go through the whole troublesome process simply because you cannot write into a PDF file. There also can be a situation where you have a document scanned and you've to email it, but you can't fill out the blanks.

FillOutAForm enables you to fill out either a scanned form or a PDF form on your computer and print it (or print the original form with your entries superimposed). Landscape-oriented as well as portrait-oriented forms are supported. What I really like about this simple application is, you can enter Formulas too, so you can do your taxes with it.

All you have to do is to run the software. It will ask you to open the form you wish to fill out. That's it. Download this software by clicking here. This simple "C Program" has been written by Doug Cox. He is a retired Delta Air Lines pilot. He also has written other useful programs which are available here.

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Monitor Internet Bandwidth (Download/Upload Limit) & Speed - FreeWare


Internet users with BroadBand Connectivity are increasing day by day. The number of broadband service providers are also increasing with the demand. However, the package they provide is in such a way that if you want the highest speed a service provider provides, you'll have to select a package that provides limited amount of download and upload data. Though the unlimited download/upload options is always there but with a less connectivity speed.

Those of you who have highest or higher speed and with limitation to few GBs to download/upload, here is a very handy tool that allows you to visually monitor your internet connection by displaying a scrolling graph that shows your upload and download speed over time. BitMeter 2 -

BitMeter is a freeware, i.e. you can download and use it completely free. There's no trial period or sign up required, not even time limited features. The developers also gaurantee about No Spyware, Adware. You can monitor your internet speed graphically as well as numerically. Different colors on the graph represents upload/download speed and in the lower part of the window, you can see the current speed. The display updates itself every second.

You can use Statistics Window to see your past day's or week's activities. Also, the data shown in each of the graphs is also available numerically. You can export it in a spreadsheet for detailed analysis. There's one nice feature called Alerts: With this feature, BitMeter can notify you when you have uploaded/downloaded a certain amount, or if your speed goes above or below any limit that you specify. This will be very useful and helpful for the people having connection of download/upload limit. Even though Alert feature is given, there's an additional and a very specific feature called ISP Restrictions. Simply enter details of your monthly quota, and BitMeter will warn you when you approach your limit.

There are plenty of other features BitMeter comes with, Few of the other important features are listed below. Source:

  • Audio notification at regular (configurable) time intervals - different tones are played according to your current upload or download speed (tone boundaries are also configurable)
  • Audio notification each time a certain amount of data is transferred (uploaded, downloaded or both)
  • Animated System Tray icon shows upload and download speeds
  • Check for new version (with auto-check option and proxy support)
  • Select any combination of network cards to monitor or ignore
  • Configurable graph scale - set to any value, or set to auto-adjust according to your speed
  • Connection Speed Helper
  • Option to display current graph maximum on screen
  • Change units used in readout (Kb,KB,Mb,MB)
  • Change graph type (bar or line graph)
  • Interval bars with adjustable time period
  • Adjustable scroll interval (anywhere between 1 and 60 seconds)
  • Save favorite color combinations for later use, or use one of the preconfigured color-schemes.
  • Configure System Tray tooltip information (including speeds and days totals)
  • Show or hide readout area, or adjust its font-size.
  • Auto-start option for current user, or all users
  • Manual and automatic backup options of configuration and traffic history information.
BiMmeter 2 requires version 1.1 or later of the Microsoft .NET framework to be installed. Click Here to download BitMeter 2.

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Print White Colored Paper OR Blank Sheet of Paper Online


Sometimes or the other people need a clean white, blank sheet of paper to write on. What to do if you don't have one at the moment. Well there's one online utility which allows you to print a blank sheet of paper from your printer. There is no additional download require, just click the "Print" button on the web page to print a smooth, clean, blank sheet of paper from any printer anywhere. is providing us with a humorous yet very useful utility. This utility can do with lined pages too. Simply insert lined paper into the input tray of the printer, then click "print" here. Not only that, you can even put colored papers same way and check the output papers. If you don't see a blank sheet of paper in your output tray, simply remove it from your input tray. was created by Benjamin Bradford, an IT manager and expert programmer with over 20 years of experience in creating paper in all its forms. He recently sold for over $22 million dollars in worthless stock options, he claims. The site also claims that more than 80,000 people have now visited this site.

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Convert any Voice or Sound to a RingTone of a Cell Phone


I met with one of my old college friends today and he surprised me with my voice (Cracking Jokes) on the ringtone of his cellphone. We recorded our voices while we were in college and had it saved on CDs. With advanced technologies and the availability of Free Applications, he converted all our Voices' Tracks into different RingTones. It brought back lot of memories. You can do it too - You can convert any of your songs, voices, ads or any sound in your computer to a RingTone of your Cell Phone.

I did a bit of search on this and have come up with Three Outstanding Free Applications, that will statisfy all your needs relating to ringtones. Please note, all of these softwares are completely free of cost.

  • OneClickRingtones - Lets you turn all your MP3's into ringtones - with a single click. This application will search for all the MP3s stored on your computer and list it. You then can select one or all or any number of songs and specify how long you want the new mp3 ringtones to be and then click to create the new files. The good thing is that the new ringtones will be stored in their own folder and the original files will not be affected.

  • Now what if you want only the middle part of a song or a conversation. For example, a conversation is 4 minutes long and you want only one minute of conversation out of it, i.e. 2:30 to 3:30. RingtoneEditor comes in picture. RingtoneEditor lets you edit your existing MP3 ringtones to your exact liking. You can import your newly created MP3 ringtones or select a CD track and select the exact location and length of the final ringtone before uploading to your phone. You can select and play as you edit so that you get the exact ringtone you want to have. You can even change the bit rate of the selection to have better file size control.

  • Finally the application comes that my friend used - Voice2Ringtone. This software lets you use your own voice recording as a ringtone. You can record your own voice or surrounding sounds through a microphone. Then edit the sound captured to your liking, save and upload it direct to your cell phone for use as your new ringtone. Simply record anything like your friend's voices, animals, cars etc and you can use them as a ringtone.
You can download all of these three softwares by clicking respective links below.

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Listen and Download Songs from Over 30,000 Radio Channels


If you're among those people who love to listen to music while working, here's a good application for you. This software lets you listen and download your favorite songs from over 30,000 different Radio Channels world wide. You can listen to thousands of great radio shows on-demand. It makes it easy to capture Broadcast Radio shows, XM RAdio and Podcasts with just one click. Favorite shows can be copied to your PC, MP3 Player, iPod or even burned to CD. In addition to that, you can also play Real Audio files like .rm and .ram.

Few decades back, Radio was the only medium of entertainment and people used to gether at one place to listen to their favorite shows. But television and other latest technological gadgets have stolen radio's importance. In spite of this fact, number of people who love to listen to radio isn't decreased. This is mainly because people love to listen to favorite songs randomly, which is not possible if you play it on your player knowing each songs on the list. Also, Broadcasting Service Providers and Increase in FM Channels have played a significant role in making Radio still on demand.

So here's an application which will complete your demand. Easy Radio WM. You'll not be required to buy a new Radio set from the market. Simply download this application on to your computer and you'll be able to listen to different Radio Stations round the world. The good news is that it's completely free. You'll not be required to purchase it or sign up for anything. Click Here to download this software and start listening.

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Download Videos from Any Website - FreeWare


Once in a while each of you must have come across with a situation where you like to watch a video again and again and each time you have to visit a respective website and watch there. Many of you might also have slow internet connection and have to wait till the whole video gets loaded properly. How nice it would be if you're able to download the whole video on to your computer's hard disk and watch it anytime you please!!! Here is an application which lets you download videos from any website. for example, Yahoo Video, Google Video or MySpaceTV.

YouTube Downloader is all you need for downloading videos from more than 50 websites that provide Video Services. It's a software that allows you to download and then, you can even convert those videos to other video formats. It allows you to convert vieos for iPod, iPhone, PSP, Cell Phone, Windows Media, XVid and MP3. This program is very easy to use, just type in the URL for the Video you want to download and click OK, that's it.

Moreover, it's a freeware. You can use it completely free for downloading unlimited vidoes from any websites. BiennesSoft gaurantees that YouTube Downloader is 100% CLEAN, which means it does not contain any form of malware, including but not limited to: SpyWare, Viruses, Trojans and BackDoors.

Few of the websites other than YouTube from which you can download videos are: Google Video, MySpaceTV, Yahoo Video, Badjojo,, Break, CollegeHumor and many more. One thing might not be in favor of everyone but, YouTube Downloader also allows you to access YouTube videos for which you must be at least 18 years of age. That's where the developers have to do something.

YouTube Downloader also has the ability to cut and select the output quality of converted videos. It uses FFmpeg engine to convert videos. Click Here to download this amazing and free software.

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