One Click Shut Down


There are many things you can play with in Windows Operating System. The normal process to shut down the system is: To click Start - Turn off Computer - Turn Off. However this is not the only way to shut the system down. You can shut down your system with only one click. Here's how:

Navigate to your desktop. On the desktop, right-click and go to New, then to Shortcut (in other words, create a new shortcut). You should now see a pop-up window instructing you to enter a command line path. Use the following path in "Type Location of the Item"

SHUTDOWN -s -t 01

If the C: drive is not your local hard drive, then replace "C" with the correct letter of the hard drive. Click the "Next" button. Name the shortcut and click the "Finish" button. Now whenever you want to shut down, just click on this shortcut and you're done.

You can also setup a TIMER for shutting down the system. Here's how:

Method 1:

Right click on your desktop and choose "New=>shortcuts". In the box that says "Type the location of the shortcut", type in "shutdown -s -t 3600" without the quotation marks and click next. Note: 3600 are the amount of seconds before your computer shuts down. So, 60secs*60mins=3600secs.

Make up a name for the shortcut and you're done. You can change the icon by right clicking=>properities=>change icon=>browse

To Abort This Process:

To make an abort key to stop the shutdown timer just create another shortcut and make the "location of the shortcut" to " shutdown -a" without the quotes.


Here is another trick to shutdown at a specific time, for example you wish to shutdown at 11:35am. Type this in


Type: at 11:35 shutdown -s


Type: shutdown -a

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Online Terminology of Most Popular KeyWords


Anti-spyware program
This is a program that protects your PC against spyware and helps to keep your computer and personal details secure.

Anti-virus software
This is software that is designed to detect viruses and prevent them from infecting your machine. Often these viruses are transmitted via email.

Browser software provides you with the means to view a web page. Without browser software, you would not be able to surf the Internet.

Computer virus A computer virus is a piece of code that is secretly introduced into a system in order to corrupt it or destroy data. Often viruses are hidden in other programs or documents and when opened, the virus is let loose.

This is a collection of information, usually including a username and the current date and time, stored on the local computer of a person using the Internet. It is used by websites to identify users who have previously registered or visited the site.

Encryption converts data into an encoded form before it is sent over the Internet. This prevents unauthorised access to the information. At FNB, we use 128-bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption to secure your information.

Any of a number of security schemes that prevent unauthorised users from gaining access to a computer network or that monitors transfers of information to and from the network or personal computer.

Identity theft
This is the crime of obtaining the personal or financial information of another person for the purpose of assuming that person's name to make transactions or purchases.

Keystroke logging
This involves the capturing of information that you type on the keyboard by installed hardware. This is often used by fraudsters to capture personal details including passwords.

Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
This is a protocol that provides a high level of security for communication over the Internet.

Unsolicited email, often of a commercial nature, sent indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists or individuals.

This is software that secretly gathers information about a user while he/she navigates the Internet. This information is normally used for advertising purposes. Spyware can also gather information about email addresses and even passwords and credit card numbers.

Trojan horse
This is a program that disguises itself as another program. Similar to a virus, these programs are hidden and cause an unwanted effect. They differ from viruses because they are normally not designed to replicate like a virus.

A computer virus is a piece of code that is secretly introduced into a system in order to corrupt it or destroy data. Often viruses are hidden in other programs or documents and when opened, the virus is let loose.

This is a special type of virus that spreads without any user interaction, typically by exploiting a flaw in popular software.

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Clear Search Terms You Made on Google Search Box


You can clear your Google search history from the Google search box by following simple steps given below.

The search history that displays in the search box on the Google homepage is stored by your browser, not by Google. Below are given instructions for clearing search history in the browser you're using. If your browser isn't listed, we suggest consulting its help resources.

Internet Explorer:

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Beating Bangalore Traffic Snag - Infy style


To beat the growing traffic menace in Bangalore and the loss in productivity hours, the posterboy company, Infosys has devised a financial reward scheme to counter the woes.

Under the scheme developed by Stanford University, employees who report before 8:00am get 1.5 credits, while those reporting between 8-8:30 its 1 credit. The cap of credit per week is 7.5 which can translate into a cash reward of upto Rs.12,000 per week.

Uptil now 700 people have been rewarded and around 13500 people report before time. The scheme has also resulted in fuel savings of Rs.20000 per day plus saving on time for company buses plying on the road.

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An Indian Abroad Helped Her Friend in Mumbai Attack


World Wide Web, the next generation's technology made an Indian girl sitting in Scotland to help her friend escape terrorists attack recently happened in India's financial capital Mumbai, killing more than 125 people and injuring over 325 others.

Neena Biswal is an MSc Public Relations student at the University of Stirling in Scotland. She was stuck to her computer on Thursday and was surfing news sites and was in constant touch with her friend Rosanne Rodricks, a public relations consultant trapped in her south Mumbai office since terrorists went on the rampage Wednesday night.

"My friend Rosanne is stuck in her office in Mittal Court, which is just a stone's throw away from the Oberoi Trident Hotel where terrorists have held people hostage."

"She has no access to the TV and is waiting for the situation to improve to go back home. Her phone battery is also discharged, but she is hooked on to the world through the internet. I am keeping her updated so that she can escape as soon as possible," Biswal said.

"We are watching everything from NDTV, CNN, Fox News and Sky to all the local news channels. They are showing nothing but the Mumbai attacks. Everybody here is going nuts," Deepti Malhotra, a postgraduate public relations student at the AUT University in New Zealand, told IANS over phone.

"I haven't slept since last night. I am constantly monitoring the CNN-IBN website. We are shocked by what has happened back home. It feels so helpless to be so far and see your friends in danger."

"I can't believe that places where we thought we were secure are being turned into hell. We don't even know these terrorists and have not done any harm to them," she said.

Malhotra, however, blamed lax security and corruption in India for the terror strike.

"This is disastrous. It's not just a terrorist attack but it also highlights the corruption in the system and lax security," she said.

"People are going to condemn India for not being a safe country. Australia is already calling back all locals. This will be a setback for the tourism industry. The locals here are having a dig at us. Now everybody is going to raise brows at us in colleges and at work. It's a shameful thing for the country," Malhotra added.

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Login with Multiple IDs on Yahoo Messenger Without Any Software


A week back I went to one my friends home. He was chatting with his college mate. His college mate was teasing him by login into Yahoo Messenger with his three different IDs at the same time. My friend was confused. Then I showed him how his college mate was able to do that. You can do it too, by Playing a little bit with Windows Registry.

Here's what you've got to do:

1. Go to Start ----> Run . Type regedit, then enter.
2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_ USER --------> Software --->yahoo ----->pager---->Test
3. On the right page , right-click and choose new Dword value .
4. Rename it as Plural.
5. Double click and assign a decimal value of 1.

Its done!!

Now open Yahoo Messenger and login with your ID. Once you're logged in, again open Yahoo Messenger. This time it won't show you the one you previously logged in[as earlier], instead, it'll open another blank Yahoo Messenger where in, you can login with you another Yahoo Messenger ID. This way, you can login to Yahoo Messenger with multiple IDs. By the way, you must own all those IDs you wish to login.

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