Cassettes - CDs - DVDs - Now Blu-Ray Discs


Blu-Ray Discs is a next generation optical disc format. This has been developed by Blu-Ray Disc Association (BDA). This technology is made to enable recording, rewriting and play back of High Definition Videos (HD), as well as storing large amount of data. The storage capacity of Blu-Ray disc is 5 times more than the storage capacity of traditional DVDs.

You can store total of 25 GB on a single layer disc and 50 GB on a dual-layer disc. This extra space and the advanced Audio & Video Codecs the High Definition (HD) experience.

Usual optical disc technology such as DVD, DVD-R and DVD-RW use Red Laser to read and write data, while Blu-Ray technology uses Blue-Violet Laser and so, given the name Blu-Ray. Even though both discs use different technologies, Blu-Ray products can be played on BD/DVD/CD compatible players.

The main benefit of using Blue-Violet laser is that it has short wavelength than Red laser has. This provides with a greater precision in reading and writing data. Further more, data gets stored in more compressed manner and in less space. Though the physical size of the Blu-Ray disc is the same as of DVDs.

Blu-Ray discs are supported by more than 200 world's leading consumer electronics, personal computers, recording media, video games & music companies. This technology has also acquired support from all Hollywood studios. Many local studios have accepted Blu-Ray as successor of DVDs.

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