Security products like Antivirus, Internet Security Suites are all made on the base of Virus Signature Database. This database is actually a collection of mechanism and algorithms of the malicious programs. Antivirus recognizes a malicious program depending on this database and accordingly it identifies, delete and block the malicious program. Howerver, this method of detecting and removing Virus programs have become questionable.
Since everyday new virus programs are written, it is not possible to update their algorithm in the Virus Signature Database, and so most of the Antivirus cannot deal with such threats. Such threats are referred to as Zero-Day Threats. Furthermore, even Antivirus programs have themselves become so complex enough that they can be easily exploited by hackers. It becomes easy for them to make Virus then.
To overcome this situation, a New Age Antivirus is adopting a new technology called Behavioral Engines. As name explains itself, these engines detect malicious programs by their behavior. Infact these new antivirus are going to come up with both, Virus Signature Database & Behavioral Engines. This seems a perfect solution for the new series of security products.
According to Network World, “AVG has completed a deal to acquire Sana Security, which specializes in detecting malicious software based on its behavior. The behavioral technology will be integrated into AVG’s antivirus and Internet security products by the end of June, Smith said. The new feature will not be included into AVG’s free product, but the company could consider doing that in the future”
Since everyday new virus programs are written, it is not possible to update their algorithm in the Virus Signature Database, and so most of the Antivirus cannot deal with such threats. Such threats are referred to as Zero-Day Threats. Furthermore, even Antivirus programs have themselves become so complex enough that they can be easily exploited by hackers. It becomes easy for them to make Virus then.
To overcome this situation, a New Age Antivirus is adopting a new technology called Behavioral Engines. As name explains itself, these engines detect malicious programs by their behavior. Infact these new antivirus are going to come up with both, Virus Signature Database & Behavioral Engines. This seems a perfect solution for the new series of security products.
According to Network World, “AVG has completed a deal to acquire Sana Security, which specializes in detecting malicious software based on its behavior. The behavioral technology will be integrated into AVG’s antivirus and Internet security products by the end of June, Smith said. The new feature will not be included into AVG’s free product, but the company could consider doing that in the future”
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